Generate your own electricity with photovoltaic solar panels.

Besides powering your home or business, the system can be used to heat your water and charge your car.

Power generated is stored in a battery for later use.

Secure your energy supply and protect against rising energy costs all while reducing your carbon footprint.

6Kw all black system installed in North Cork
6Kw all black system installed in East Cork

Contact us today for a free quotation! Phone: 022 72838

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How does PV work?

More than 99% of the worlds energy comes from the sun. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) is one of the cleanest and most direct ways of harvesting this energy.
The whole system consists of a number of components including a series of panels, an inverter and a battery.
PV energy converts daylight into electrons which consequently produce an electricity supply in D/C form.
By connecting together PV panels, you can produce your own electricity. The power generated can then be stored in a battery system.
The surplus electricity can be diverted to heat your domestic hot water and can even be used to charge your electric car.
The battery can also be connected to the national grid by means of an inverter which converts D/C electricity to your A/C supply.